Serving The Tri-State Area Around Hagerstown, MD

Triangle Truss, LLC - Logo

Business Tagline Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Floor Trusses

Custom Floor Trusses

Fast Multi-State Delivery

High-Quality, Approved Products

Crane Services Available

(240) 284-4085


The Quality Your Construction Depends On

The custom floor trusses you get from Triangle Truss, LLC go beyond the other providers you may have worked with. Our floor trusses are not as wide as roof trusses, so they're designed to handle higher loads and weights. We use 2x4 boards on the edge instead of flat for added strength, and they can be designed so the ends are sitting inside, not outside.

Keep in mind the height of your floor truss will affect the height of the floor above it. Thanks to our open designs, your ductwork, HVAC, plumbing, and more can run right through the house. Also, our 3.5-inch floor truss widths make fast gluing, screwing, and nailing easy and accurate. If you're concerned about bearing conditions, we've got four to choose from.

Need a crane to get your products onsite? No problem.

Just let us know and we'll bring a crane to assist with delivery.

Why Do Contractors Work With Us?

  • High-quality products
  • Fast turnaround time
  • Multi-state fast delivery
  • Efficient service
  • Crane service upon delivery
  • Engineer-stamped drawings


Delivery to MD, VA, WV, and PA

Crane Service Available

(240) 284-4085

(240) 284-4085
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